Day 4: Monserrat School Visit/Community Service
Since most of us are education majors 9/11, and even those of us who are not, we were amazed by this teacher and how well behaved her students were. First, we took a tour around the yard. Down, in front of the school, there was a swing set and teeter totter that look like they could use some help, but the children played happily without any notice of it's imperfections. To the left of the building stands the small greenhouse the ASU students from 2012 built. Bordering the right side of the school is a row small rose bushes and hibiscus that were partially in bloom. A chain linked fence surrounded the total school grounds. Looking around at this school, its yard its equipment, the children, forced all of us to take a step back and reflect at every detail of our own lives, causing us to realize how many things we all take for granted, and marvel at how lucky we all were during our school careers.
school. We were very excited to have the
opportunity to add to their joy by offering our own service project to beautify and preserve the well warn school. Knowing that Maria was so proud of the green house, we instantly felt the pressure to impress her just as much this year with our contribution as they did last year. Our prepare and paint the entire outside of the school.
Half way through our day we were invited to break for lunch. The family across the road from the school prepared and served us our lunch. Our lunch consisted of
rice and beans, salad, chicken and juice. It was very delicious. The meal was prepare in an outdoor kitchen. The thatched roof covered the six wood tables. We sat among the tables eating and enjoying a light rainfall. During our luncheon, we watched the local news on the outdoor television set. At one point during our lunch the news was covering local topics and we watched an interview with Margherita about the area. We were all so impressed with seeing Margherita on television. We screamed for her to come and see. Margherita is a very humble person who did not and does not make a big deal about her accomplishments.
After lunch and with full bellies, we returned to the school to complete the painting of the outside. Within a couple of hours we were at a stopping point. Clean up took just as much time as the prepping of the building.
cake, and that we would finish with plenty of time left to do even more, we were only able to finish painting a portion of Monserrat
School. Although this disappointed us, we instantly received much appreciation and gratitude for giving our time. The joy it brought us to see the community so happy with what we did, even though we didn't finish, reinforced our love for the people of this country. Most of us, along with most Americans, do not take time to help others unless there is a national, devastating disaster. Today helped us realize that being a volunteer is rewarding and we ask all of you to try to spend more of your free time volunteering to those in need. It is very gratifying to give without an expectation to receive something in return. The appreciation from the community was heartfelt and softened our hearts.
Buenas Noches!
Love from all in Costa Rica.
Pura Vida!