Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 8: Bri Bri

Day 8: Bri bri

Happy birthday Liz!

Today, we woke up and had breakfast at the community area overlooking the pool and spa; and of course it was another amazing meal. Fresh pineapple and watermelon, pancakes and scrambled eggs and bread all pilled on our plates and filled our bellies. Yum!

After surviving the food coma we put ourselves in, we packed our backpacks and took the hour long bus ride to the town of Bri Bri which is home to the indigenous Bri Bri people. When our bus stopped however we were not at Bri brbi We all grabbed a life jacket and walked down to a fast flowing river to a motorized canoe that was going to take us across that bumpy stream. That canoe was NOT at all stable as we were walking and sitting down causing most of us to either cling to our live vests or each other. Finally, we stabilized and the motor purred as it struggled against the current to get us to the other side.

When we got off, an old school bus was waiting for us. We piled in the the none air-conditioned sauna where we were sweating so much the 10-15 minute wait began to feel like hours. As more local people made it across the river they then joined us on the bus and we were soon off. Though the breeze felt amazing, the rickety old school bus racing down and up hills with the bus door flying open and slamming closed left most of us opened jawed and nails deep in the seat in from of us.

Once at our stop we happily exited the bus and were greeted by our Bri Bri trail guide, Ivan, who then took the lead on. The trail was very muddy and we put our best efforts forward in attempts to not fall as we were slipping and sliding along. We quickly came to a river that came up to our hips and we gripped tightly to each other's hands so we didn't lose our balance and fall. Once we got across we continued our uphill hike until we came to our next river which was also waist high and with a faster current. Our hike continued and we finally came to Bri Bri.

As we came up the hill are eyes landed on an open field with different size huts surrounding the outskirts. As we made our way past the children playing soccer we were greeted by the principal of the school in his home area, which was made of all chonta wood and dried palm leaves. Their layout of the room was so that when you entered you walk directly into a large living space with benches surrounding the walls. Behind the large living space were two more rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. We were given a warm corn drink with a different taste than we had experienced before, almost like chunky, warm, corn water.

We then we met another man who wanted us to see his house, so again we hiked. This was a very steep hike, uphill, on red, slippery mud. After a rigorous twenty minutes and 5 girls falling on their bottoms requiring Gabriel's rescue, the view was incredible and completely worth it. His house was on top the mountain, looking over all the forest. He told us about his life and what he does daily. Though he could remember details about building his house, the amount of children he had left him stumped and us laughing. After visiting for a bit, we hiked back down the very slippery mud where a few of us fell some more. Along the way, the Bri Bri man told us about how they use different plants for remedies and healing cures. We were served lunch in a leaf presentation when we got back! There was chicken, rice and beans, and heart of palm. After lunch we visited their community center and their spiritual hut area. As it began to rain we decided it was time to hike back.  We stopped at the first river we planned to cross, but Adrain had something better planned. Instead of walking across it we walked up the river a little ways and floated down. it was like a natural water slide which had us laughing very hard. We ended up doing it three more times! Then we continued on, back to the speedy fast bus and unsteady canoe. Once on our bus again were given plastic bags so we didn't get our bus seats wet, unfortunately they didn't do anything to help the river smell emanating from us. When we got back to the hotel we showered and were ready for dinner. We had dinner in the community room again where we celebrated Liz's birthday with a lasagna dinner and chocolate cake. Some of the girls went out on the town to celebrate while others stayed behind to rest. Today was such an amazing day!

Love from all in Costa Rica,
Pura Vida!

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